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The information contained on this website is being made available only to such persons or bodies corporate resident in the United Kingdom having professional experience in matters relating to investments or investment activity and fall within the criteria set out in either Article 19 (Investment Professionals), Article 48 (Certified High Net Worth Individuals) or Article 49 (High Net Worth Companies, Unincorporated Associations, etc) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 ("Qualifying Criteria") or are a person or entity to whom the content of this promotion may otherwise be lawfully distributed to.
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Any person who is in any doubt about the investment to which the information contained herein relates should consult an authorised person independent to BDUKL that specialises in advising on investments of the kind in question in order to obtain the advice they require.
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As noted above, the contents of this website are directed only at persons or body corporates that meet the Qualifying Criteria and must not, in any circumstances, be acted upon or relied upon by persons or entities which do not meet the Qualifying Criteria. Any investment activity to which this website relates may be available only to such persons or entities.